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MeatsimPD t1_ja8r3vk wrote

> After turning over Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians

When was the West Bank ever turned over to the Palestinians. I'm getting the clear sign you'll just sat whatever random bullshit you can if it sounds good in the moment

>Palestinian school text books teach children that Jews are subhuman and should be killed.

Man sounds like good reason not to build settlements outside of your country's sovereign borders and surrounded by Palestinians.

What's the justification for those settlements again? What's the justification for violating international law and annexing territory by force and settling your citizens outside of your sovereign borders


magellan315 t1_ja8rkr6 wrote

>Man sounds like good reason not to build settlements outside of your country's sovereign borders and surrounded by Palestinians.

Sounds like a good reason not to trust the Palestinians, especially after the failure of the Oslo and Dayton Accords.


MeatsimPD t1_ja8s4yx wrote


If you don't trust them why are you building settlements outside your state's sovereign borders, surrounded by them, and in violation of international law.

>What's the justification for those settlements again? What's the justification for violating international law and annexing territory by force and settling your citizens outside of your sovereign borders

Your lack of response is so telling, its like part of you knows there is no justification but you want Israel to have that land for some perverse reason


magellan315 t1_ja8spi5 wrote

Territory C,.


MeatsimPD t1_ja8t12p wrote

>Territory C,.

I think its clear you've given up on attempting to make an argument for Israeli's behavior after its been shown to be inconsistent bullshit.

Just say how you really feel, I'm guessing something like "Arabs and Palestinians attacked Israel and Israel has every right to do whatever it wants in the West Bank regardless what the people living there before their occupation want"

Just say it


magellan315 t1_ja8ty6d wrote

Israel faces constant terrorist attacks they are making sure that all of its citizens are safe. I think you're making excuses for the Palestinians inconsistent bullshit and those of its Arab allies who fund terrorism.


MeatsimPD t1_ja8us2j wrote

> Israel faces constant terrorist attacks they are making sure that all of its citizens are safe.

If they wanted to keep them safe, why are they allowing and encouraging them to settle outside Israeli's sovereign borders, beyond the security wall, and in very vulnerable locations?

>I think you're making excuses for the Palestinians inconsistent bullshit and those of its Arab allies who fund terrorism.

Oh the Palestinian authority government is an absolute disaster for the Palestinian people, and the funding of terrorism isn't helpful for anyone and certainly won't get Israel to withdraw from its illegally occupied territory.

Israel cannot be defeated militarily and its pointless and counter productive to try. Palestinians would be better served by following examples like Gandhi or Mandela in winning justice.


magellan315 t1_ja8xuhx wrote

If any Palestinian tried to emulate Gandhi, Mandela, or Martin Luther King, Jr they would be dead in 30 days at the hands of their own people who have been believe that the only solution is the destruction of Israel. The same goes for Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.


MeatsimPD t1_ja8y7dz wrote

It is unfortunate that too many people on both sides believe the only way to resolve this is to destroy and kill the other


magellan315 t1_ja91t6q wrote

It is a problem that the Palestinians and their Arab supporters feel that destroying Israel in spite of land for peace deals and the Oslo and Dayton Accords.