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_yogi_mogli_ t1_jd6uu40 wrote

I don't think people understand the gravity of the situation. We have a huge shortage of bus drivers in my district. I teach high school, and sometimes the morning busses are 30+ minutes late because drivers are doing multiple routes. We can't mark kids tardy when it's out of their control. So quickly, the non-bus kids figure it out and start rolling into class whenever.

Almost half of my first period students last term flunked my class because they didn't show up regularly.

You can't pay these wages and expect to have a pool of candidates. And if you dont offer decent wages, it's classroom quality and ultimately children who suffer.


pstmdrnsm t1_jd85v46 wrote

My district is having the same issue. The drivers are leaving to work at the high school because the pay and benefits are better.


Justdudeatplay t1_jd9uld7 wrote

If you we are not willing to pay enough to even rent an apartment and own a car, how can it be sustainable?