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t1_jckfdvr wrote

The shooter starts a fire, lifts the ceiling tiles, shoot up people outside of the school during events, or sabotage(stick a pencil or pen in the track/s.)

The shooter will know of these and how they operate, and what ones cant be opened quickly.

Its not even a good bandaid, just a blatant griff in the face of underpaid over worked teachers.


t1_jckklyh wrote

I’m not saying I think it’s a good idea and certainly not the best we should have available to us.

But at this point, if I were a parent (full disclosure, I’m not), I’d rather my children have this option than to not have it.

It’s a fucking dystopian nightmare, but I’m sure if you ask any parent of a child who has been a victim of a school shooting if they’d have wanted their kids to be able to hide in something like this, I’m pretty sure I’d know what their answer would be.

Not fool proof. Maybe even a grift. But better than nothing - which seems to be the only other choice I see with my (honestly defeatist) attitude on this issue.
