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Mid-CenturyBoy t1_jdbnm5w wrote

Companies flex and try to bully, but they don’t have the power. The consumer is the king maker and once these companies get their crown they think they run the show, but that’s not the case. Fuck Uber I hope they keep losing.


astoundingSandwich t1_jddiyu6 wrote

Unfortunately, Californians drank their bullshit cocktail and passed prop 22. It proves that if you spend enough money consumers will listen to any fairy tale.


Mid-CenturyBoy t1_jde179q wrote

It’s true. The prop system in CA is flawed and if it did succeed they would have just put it on a new prop the next year as well. I am always inherently skeptical when there is a prop with tons of funding going towards it. Research people!!!


Mobely t1_jddizds wrote

Well in this case, it's the local government with the power and not the consumer... but I like your spirit!


Mid-CenturyBoy t1_jde10gv wrote

I mean they’re not just pulling this out of their ass. Presumably consumers have been asking for regulation and a local govt is using their power to help.