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xxBurn007xx t1_jc8d0wf wrote

As a person who's sister took her life at 34, I will never be ok with this. You can't tell me that it was ok to do. The loss of someone you love in that way....I would never want anyone to feel loss in that way.


calm_chowder t1_jc8wqtc wrote

That's a tragedy and I've also dealt with the suicide of a loved one, and they were only 18.

What people don't seem to realize is death with dignity laws are not suicide booths anyone having a bad day or suffering a treatable mental illness can just show up at on a whim and die. They involve panels and hearings involving the person and their doctors to ensure only those who are suffering with no prospect of alleviation have the option to (as the term says) die with dignity.

You can be anti-suicide and still support death with dignity, if you'd just take the time to educate yourself instead of making completely wrong assumptions based on your personal tragedy. It's terrible your sister committed suicide but she would absolutely not be eligible for "death with dignity" end of life care, she would be directed to services which could help her even if that means inpatient care.

Seriously, the number of people in this thread who have absolutely no clue what death with dignity actually is but have strong opinions against it due to their own ignorance is fucking embarrassing.