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ChalupaCabre t1_jdg74lh wrote

We don’t vote for Prime Ministers.

We vote for local representation. The only reason I vote Liberal is because NDP in my riding has no chance and the Conservatives are always looney toons that I definitely do not want representing me.

I don’t even like Trudeau… but he formed a government with the NDP based off the elected representatives winning in their ridings by votes for those candidates.

Maybe if the Conservatives could stop being so fucking fringe, I could vote for them and maybe other parties would want to work with them to form a government.


kmart_s t1_jdhqp7d wrote

That's how it's supposed to work but many people DO vote based on the party leader. If people voted locally the makeup of government would likely be different.


ChalupaCabre t1_jdhzm3z wrote

Well I would agree Liberals got some juice out the gates when they took Trudeau as leader.. and when Trudeau said they would legalize cannabis.

I dunno what they have now, except for a platform that they aren’t the crazy conservatives. And I would agree.

If we eliminated first past the post voting and used a system like ranked choice, we definitely would get a different government. For the time I think we will keep having a Liberal lead minority government.. the only way to stop it is with a majority conservative government and the Conservative don’t exactly seem to be getting away from crazy land with the shit they say and do.