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Milyardo t1_jdw9up2 wrote

The assets of SVB are good. SVB failed only because it wasn't liquid enough to prevent a run. The only reason to be concerned if is First Citizens doesn't balance long term assets like SVB's bonds with short term ones or cash.


sciguy52 t1_jdymrrk wrote

And yet further up the reddit news thread it said it was going to cost $20 billion for the I mean "the other banks" to pay for the bail out because SVB did NOT have enough assets.


dclxvi616 t1_jdyz482 wrote

The two statements are not mutually exclusive: "SVB did not have enough liquid assets," & "The assets of SVB are good."

It's like if you put all your cash into savings bonds that you cannot redeem for a 1-year holding period and don't leave yourself anything to buy groceries with. You are financially ruined in the moment, but your bonds are still good assets.