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MitsyEyedMourning t1_jd7uj8s wrote

That's... wow. That's a whole different level of fear and intimidation. Won't lie, it's pretty impressive of an idea despite the horrible nature of it all.


bananafobe t1_jd802kc wrote

In the early 90's, an attorney in South Africa investigating death squads was assassinated with a bomb hidden in a pair of headphones that he received in the mail.

It was referenced in a play I was watching, and something about it just stuck with me.


JimmyJackJericho t1_jd8cf01 wrote

I'm pretty sure the CIA also tried to get Castro with a ton of explosive objects. The only two I can recall were an explosive cigar and I think an chocolate bar.


SciFiXhi t1_jd8tfwv wrote

They also tried to make his beard fall out so that his constituents would lose faith in his macho image.

The CIA vacillates between unfathomable war crimes and Looney Tunes shit.


bananafobe t1_jd92vjo wrote

Meanwhile, the Air Force was busy attempting to build a bomb that would turn enemy soldiers gay.


Gaskii t1_jdae7nt wrote

And a very pretty conche shell too by memory