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ItilityMSP t1_jeehos1 wrote

I post anti-American sentiment all the time, not because I’m a troll but because the USA’s systems affect policy around the world and these systems are horrible for most people. Example USA is exporting its healthcare system around the world, this has a polarizing effect on public healthcare systems,like Canada, Britain and Germany, now many specialists previously seen in public practice in hospitals can only be seen in private clinics, where services that were free in a public practice now must be paid for in a private practice. So the tendency now is to defund public services to save costs but for society as a whole healthcare spending increases rapidly. Some people see this as acceptable as service availability increases with cost if you can afford it, if you can’t too bad. The essential export is profits over public good.

Many Europeans and Canadians have anti-american sentiments yet they are our allies in many areas and an affront to reality in many others. Nothing is black and white or brown and woke, nuance is everywhere but it’s in this nuance we can understand each other.
