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Patsfan618 t1_jdsk6r7 wrote

From the Twitter updates I'm seeing, sounds like Israel is basically in a full revolution, right now. Politicians homes are being infiltrated, military unwilling or unable to respond. Serious stuff, folks.


TheBBBfromB t1_jdslezc wrote

Uhhh, I think Twitter is going a little overboard. Lol the streets on fire is also a bit out of proportion. I was out there, their are small fires on a major road, but they are few and contained. Not destroying buildings and neighborhoods.


sonic_couth t1_jdt2i74 wrote

But…dog and cats are living together! It’s anarchy!


AVLThumper t1_jdsqy5f wrote

Funny how this and France don’t even make the national news here in the US.


DangerousCyclone t1_jdts3tr wrote

You sure? They’re seem to be one of the few news stories constantly being rotated.


Patrick2701 t1_jdst716 wrote

Bibi is in his emperor has no clothing phase, getting advise from his moron son


darth__sidious t1_jdvcy1p wrote

It's not quite a revolution but not far off.


Patsfan618 t1_jdvdnup wrote

Yeah, I see now that things were a tad exaggerated on Twitter.


darth__sidious t1_jdvduxv wrote

People are mainly calling for bini to get removed from office, not replace the government system.