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miafrunt t1_jcmokyz wrote

Damn! Just watched the whole Wire series last month. He was my favorite. :(


Four-In-Hand t1_jcn3uue wrote

Lieutenant to Commissioner to lawyer Cedric Daniels. You know he ain't jukin' no stats!


SkullLeader t1_jcq66p8 wrote

The stat game? This lie? Its what ruined this department. Shining up shit and calling it gold so majors become colonels and mayors become governors. Pretending to do police work while one generation fucking trains the next on how not to do the job.


elruary t1_jcnbywb wrote

I just sat through John wicks past week. This dude portrayed the bad ass clergyman so well. Next level class, fuck this is kind of heartbreaking 60 is too young.


SaphironX t1_jco66uj wrote

This is really unfortunate. He was a great actor.


shinygoldhelmet t1_jcpmvl7 wrote

The first time I remember noticing him and loving his performance was in Fringe. He was so wonderful in everything, though.

What a loss.


2ndtryagain t1_jcmvnzk wrote

This man was a standout in everything he has done, and he has done a lot. His IMDb page of roles is longer than most veteran actors of his age. From movies, TV, and video games he was everywhere and so many of us will miss his iconic voice and presence.


new-aged t1_jcp0xka wrote

Bosch is one of my favorite shows. He was amazing in that show. RIP to an amazing actor.


wrgrant t1_jcplq5c wrote

Oh Bosch is an absolutely fantastic show, greatly underrated in my opinion. The follow up series looks to be on par. He was fantastic in Bosch of course as with every role I saw him in. RIP


LeonSilverhand t1_jcn4dvz wrote

Sad. 60 feels so young still.


lukumi t1_jco54oj wrote

It is young for sure considering it’s almost 2 decades short of the average male life expectancy. I just turned 31 and it’s crazy to think that when he was my age, his life was more than half over and he didn’t even know it.


Pulguinuni t1_jcophim wrote

It is young. Considering we don’t know the cause of death yet, there is one thing none of us can fight and that is genetics.

Total speculation, but hereditary cardiac conditions will many times hit you hardest in midlife if not treated aggressively. Some people don’t even know is that bad until is too late. Bob Harper, the weigh loss coach, had a massive heart attack at 52. Super fit and healthy from his lifestyle, but the disease ran through his family line.

Sad loss, RIP.


pat8u3 t1_jcp4y37 wrote

Maybe there is a paradox where otherwise very healthy people are more likely to die from unexpected problems since they don't tend to go to the doctor


Outrageous_Garlic306 t1_jcu8sbf wrote

My husband died of a massive MI at 49. Combination of bad genes and not the healthiest lifestyle. He ran marathons in his 30s, though.


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_jcpnixm wrote

People in my family tend to die in their 50's. Both of my maternal grandparents died at 55, uncle died at 59, moms uncle died at 54, aunt dead at 57. My father is 55 and my mother is 53 now. They take care of themselves better than the rest of the family who died (no drinking, they eat healthier, both quit smoking, etc) but my father also just found out he's diabetic. Every time either of them gets a cough I find myself thinking "shit, is this it?". I am not ready to bury my parents. My mother was only 31 or so when she buried both of her parents, which is the age I am now.


OneYearSteakDay t1_jcmnyef wrote

See you starside, King.


hq9919 t1_jcn6uus wrote

He always brought presence to any role he played and it's sad to hear of his death.


GamerGriffin548 t1_jcnpvsk wrote

Eyes up, Guardian.



Pochusaurus t1_jcon3fu wrote

It just feels empty now going up to him grabbing dailies


TheHappyPie t1_jcq1m38 wrote

He was kinda the last character voice actor I cared about in d2.

Also he'd occasionally do shoutouts to the community for expansions or day1's. I'll miss him.

And of course this:


Idaliss t1_jcn5wkq wrote

This made me so incredibly sad when I found out today. And once more, the reality of life hit me like a hammer. One second, you're here, the next second you're not. Just the day before, he was posting things on Twitter about his dogs, and he looked cheery and ok.

I absolutely loved him since Fringe. He had such an interesting presence and an amazing voice. He was still so young.


oXDaRkLiGhT t1_jcozn6y wrote

Fringe is where I first came to love him as an actor. Destiny & Destiny 2 is where I have continued to love him for the past decade.


GreenChileEnchiladas t1_jcmpm5w wrote

Was watching an episode of Fringe when I saw this post. Gutted to be sure, this guy was awesome.

In reading about him I found that he released an album, Contemplations and Remembrances. Found it on Spotify, and while I'm not one to speak ill of the dead, especially a guy so awesome as Lance - but holy hell it was awful.


littlebitsofspider t1_jcn3av6 wrote

Let him have his 'Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins' moment. He excelled at everything else.


authentic_mirages t1_jcn58ot wrote

He first got into acting hoping it would be his stepping stone to a music career. Definitely earned his Nimoy moment.


Comkeen t1_jcneezj wrote

Surprisingly not that uncommon. Even Christopher Lee released a couple of metal albums.


andygood t1_jcp0btv wrote

'I drink the blood of the Saxon man!' What a belter... 😂


outerworldLV t1_jcmu3vl wrote

WHAT ??! Oh hell no. He was always a pleasure to watch. RIP.


TooMad t1_jcmytw7 wrote

Finally rolled credits on Horizon Forbidden West just as I read this.

Goodbye Sylens.


CUvinny t1_jcn72ak wrote

This hurts, I loved Reddick in all his roles. The Wire, Fringe, and Bosch were all amazing shows and he was my favorite in all of them. I need to do a Fringe re-watch in his honor.


shibbington t1_jcp2f1j wrote

They just started replaying it on HLN last week! I’d been wanting to see it again for years but it was never available.


SkyPork t1_jcmu803 wrote

Dammit. I liked him in everything I saw him in. :-(


UnlawfulDuckling t1_jcnsld4 wrote

My favorite voice actor, light be with you guardian.


Own_Cream_551 t1_jcmw7sm wrote

Loved lance in the resident evil Spin-off…..


BondraP t1_jcng9yt wrote

This dude was awesome in so many things. I was especially a fan of his role on Fringe. RIP


vix86 t1_jcn3tep wrote

Saw this on the news and was a bit shocked. Sad to hear he passed. He always brought a presence to any role he played, that I just adored.


hyacinth17 t1_jcn5j2v wrote

Fuck. He's genuinely one of my favorite actors.


thatguy01220 t1_jcna3i1 wrote

I think this is actually the saddest I’ve ever been over a celebrity sudden death. RIP and my condolences to his friends and family.


Intelligent_Sun_944 t1_jcmtwwr wrote

Woke up 2 hours earlier than usual this morning before I read of his death and watched the first 2 episodes of the Wire. I dont even know why. A couple hours later I hop on reddit and read of his death.


toenoodle t1_jcnqv7c wrote

Dang, that's a bummer. Such a talented actor, really had a presence on screen and of course that voice.


WolfPrevious5869 t1_jcpfzag wrote

Looks like they are going to need a new desk in heaven.


Existing_Display1794 t1_jco2ttx wrote

This fucking sucks this guy was an amazing actor. 60 is too damn young. RIP.


x218 t1_jcp5zqa wrote

his voice was legendary and his acting was on point, this really sucks. May he rest in peace


oO0tooth_fairy0Oo t1_jcnyla5 wrote

You gotta watch Tim and Eric’s Bedtime Stories. He did a great job acting in such a weird story.


Splungeworthy t1_jcot9qo wrote

He was amazing on Bosch. RIP Lance.


the6thReplicant t1_jcow710 wrote

The definition of gravitas has his picture next to it.


mostoriginalname2 t1_jcnvdtb wrote

I only find out we share a birthday after he has passed. I am really upset, I loved fringe and the wire. He was great in those roles and it is really upsetting to see someone die at only 60.

Michael Cera and Mike Pence have the same birthday too, and Mulmar Ghadafi supposedly shares the date too but it isn’t certain.


FanOfArts1717 t1_jcoq7gm wrote

Watched him on many shows over the years and movies, but his acting in fringe was my favourite, dude just sunk his teeth into that role and made it so memorable, i recently saw anna torv on the last of us and it reminded me of how much i missed the show and i was very excited to see John wick and now it would be sad that it will be probably the last time i see him on screen


Mojo5375 t1_jcr5y4p wrote

Damn, RIP - really liked him, he was really good


[deleted] t1_jcrsvk6 wrote

Wow he looks so young


SeoneAsa t1_jcnxc28 wrote

Wow.. just saw him in Wakanda Forever. He was in so many roles and always been good at it. RIP


ballisticturtle t1_jcokiq2 wrote

Why has nobody mentioned 'Fringe'?
