Berkyjay t1_jebno3c wrote
Judges who are continually overruled should be removed from the bench.
[deleted] t1_jebotsh wrote
[deleted] t1_jebs293 wrote
wickedlucky214 t1_jebsgqn wrote
So our premiums should go down, right? /s
OldJournalist4 t1_jebt199 wrote
But like - isn't that in insurance company's best interest? Encouraging people to get preventative care and early detection so they don't have to pay for more complicated and expensive treatment later on
FuckUGalen t1_jebtjoy wrote
Yes, they will go down, except for the pesky annual price increase that now makes your premiums more than they are for less. Can't upset the shareholders.
[deleted] t1_jebxuo6 wrote
SonofaJerry t1_jec1qrf wrote
Always Texas judges. I think it's time the rest of us start messing with Texas.
RobinsShaman t1_jec4uhz wrote
No we can just deny the claim later.
jetbag513 t1_jec5f84 wrote
It's that TX Prick again.
yellowsm42 t1_jec7740 wrote
Lmao. After caling my insurance three times to make ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SURE the biopsy then removal of my pre cancer would be covered save for the $500 in co-pays I get a delinquent notice of 4 grand.
I get to make interest free payments now! Yay!
Unlikely_Radio_5638 t1_jec7a3v wrote
This is nothing new. My wife's doctor sent her for a biopsy for a suspicious mass in her breast. Biopsy came back negative. Blue Cross refused to pay for it, because it wasn't cancer, so not medically necessary for a biopsy. We fought, yelled and screamed, spent hours talking to different "supervisors" all for nothing. They flat out wouldn't cover it.
blackrabbitsrun t1_jecaj3p wrote
Texas is that kid in class who refuses to bathe at all and smells so bad that you know he's coming before you even see him.
42Fab_com t1_jecj443 wrote
it's bathe. If you want to shit on a whole region, do so betterly.
blackrabbitsrun t1_jecj88r wrote
Autocorrect is a bitch.
sunshine3033 t1_jed0r9q wrote
My aunt has cancer in her family. She has lost her mother, three siblings, and 5 nieces/nephews to cancer (plus two more who had cancer and survived). She’s in her early 50s and has the Bracca gene. When she went to ask for a preventative double mastectomy the insurance company said no bc “there isn’t enough history”. For her, it wasn’t a matter of if but when she gets cancer. She finally got cancer two years ago and luckily responded well to treatment but the fact that having almost 10 close blood relatives doesn’t qualify her for preventive treatment is insane. Health insurance is ridiculous in this country
[deleted] t1_jed5b64 wrote
Whisprin_Eye t1_jed5jgg wrote
At least we know who sponsors Reed O'Connor.
Dry-Peach-6327 t1_jedczl1 wrote
Insurance companies don’t make sense.
[deleted] t1_jedfunh wrote
fjf1085 OP t1_jee0kvs wrote
It’s a real problem with a couple of judges in Texas especially. I mean how many times does the Supreme Court need to smack his ACA rulings down before he takes the hint? I feel like it’s the judicial equivalent of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks.
beaverusiv t1_jee210o wrote
No, they make dollars and that's where it all went wrong. Some things shouldn't make money
kingkeelay t1_jee7qzi wrote
Aren’t they not-for-profit?
UncommercializedKat t1_jeec42x wrote
Step 1: Take money from people
Step 2: Don't give it back
Step 3: Profit
Dry-Peach-6327 t1_jeejsjm wrote
No, insurance companies are definitely not non profits
fjf1085 OP t1_jeacfg2 wrote
This Federal District Judge continually is used to target the ACA. He seems to come up with unsupported reasonings that are frequently reversed by both the Appellate Court and the Supreme Court. He's had multiple ACA decisions reversed by both the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. He also has another decision currently being reviewed by SCOTUS regarding the Indian Child Welfare Act. At a certain point we really need to be looking at judges like this to see if they are actually impartial. The fact that his court is forum shopped by conservatives looking to guarantee outcomes should tells us all we need to know, especially when his rulings have often been decried as ridiculous by both conservative and liberal lawyers.