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Brushies10-4 t1_jbz6qbu wrote

I got 4 shots in total and while I always lived my life like normal I think a 5th isn’t in my future. I don’t know the last time someone I knew was positive and even if they were it’s apparently not as contagious or severe by a significant margin. Maybe I’ll keep getting a booster with my flu shot but that’d be about it.


morbidbutwhoisnt t1_jbzcv3h wrote

Almost all my co-workers work from home and at least one is positive every couple weeks. Every few weeks one will be pretty sick. If they weren't vaccinated that would be really sick.

I watch a lot of YouTube, every few weeks another YouTuber I like will be pretty sick with Covid.

I'm not sure where you are but I still see covid around a lot


pegothejerk t1_jbzf8q8 wrote

It’s still kicking ass in the server industry here in Oklahoma, too, staff is mostly back up to normal except when it hits, then places pull staff from each other to fill in for a week or so.


dogsent t1_jbzjibv wrote

People are still testing positive and isolating around us. Most report mild symptoms. Thing is, we don’t know about long-term effects yet. Also, some people can have more severe symptoms.

I didn't get a cold or have the flu while wearing a mask the last couple winters, so I'm going to keep wearing a mask in the grocery store.


Narren_C t1_jc18agh wrote

One common claim I see from the lockdown days was "they were counting flu cases as COVID cases."

Their evidence is the fact that flu cases plummeted while covid cases rose. They can't seem to grasp the fact that when the whole damn country shuts down and people wear masks everywhere and disinfect every surface all day long that flu cases will go down. It would be weird as hell if they DIDN'T go down.


Narren_C t1_jc18567 wrote

It's still around, but it seems like it isn't killing a bunch of people any more. At least I'm not hearing about it, I don't actually know what the numbers are.

But if the symptoms are less severe than they used to be, I imagine people aren't going to be so concerned anymore.


5zepp t1_jc1y4zg wrote

~32,000 weekly average, around 1 in 10,000.


Narren_C t1_jc1z3yj wrote

Damn. I guess we just stopped talking about it.


5zepp t1_jc25qls wrote

I mean, that's a pretty low frequency. But if you are exposed to 800 people a month then you'll be exposed to covid once a year at these numbers. Just spitballing.


01123spiral5813 t1_jbzvo4d wrote

> Maybe I’ll keep getting a booster with my flu shot

That’s what I plan on. Just combine a quadrivalent flu shot and covid booster combo and I’ll get that once a year.


Skellum t1_jc0v1a2 wrote

Ditto, I used to be meh on the yearly flu shot but hey I can pick stuff up at Costco while getting it done so may as well.


5zepp t1_jc1xxf3 wrote

I still hear of plenty of positives, and my parents had their asses kicked by covid recently for nearly a month, but overall the numbers are low, like 1 in 10,000 people weekly average. But can suck if you get it.


Legitimate_Button_14 t1_jc1ns15 wrote

I’m at a small company - 11 people. Seems like someone is coming down with it every month or so. Same thing with my friends . It does seem to be a lot milder. I did have the latest booster but I also get my flu shots yearly.