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Has_hog t1_jbimits wrote

Another commenter is like “these guys are so corrupt, they don’t do good police work.” Nah man, this is the police work. Arresting guys for petty shit and whooping ass, claiming immunity by declaring “resistance”, and then laughing about it w ur boys. This is the norm.


FloridaManIssues t1_jbiyh89 wrote

It always has been. The thing changing is cameras are everywhere now and it's being exposed. I worked with a girl for a little over a year that was going to school to be a police detective and had a job essentially lined up out of school from family being on the force. She was constantly lying and manipulating people around her. Stealing from people and setting up others to watch the drama. Saying that people were saying fucked up things that they never did. Total cop material. Probably going to be sheriff one day.