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tapwater86 t1_jbkciwe wrote

Maybe now they’ll pass some laws instead of the only punishment being a class action suit where people get 37 cents.


ShellOilNigeria t1_jbknvuk wrote

Crux of the matter:

>A serious breach at a healthcare administrator serving the U.S. House of Representatives has potentially exposed the personal data of hundreds of lawmakers and their staff, top representatives and a senior Congressional official said in letters circulated on Wednesday.

>One of the letters, which the House's Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor (CAO) sent to members of Congress and which Reuters saw, said a "significant data breach" at DC Health Link had potentially exposed the personal information of thousands of enrollees.


lacergunn t1_jbktbar wrote

Oh no! where can I find this data so I can know to avoid it?


DarkDobe t1_jbl4b6g wrote

Entirely missing the point that there is a significant amount of anti LGBT and especially anti-trans plotting revealed among these 'top officials'. Literal troves of right wing filth. But it isn't going to be reported :)


Bottom_Wobbles t1_jbl7sql wrote

I know what’ll fix this. More corporate tax cuts and increased taxes on the middle and lower classes. Also, cutting the IT budget further will correct the issues.

/s in case not obvious


VegasKL t1_jblgvan wrote

Good, only way they'll start caring about it .. but we all know they'll just put legislation in place to protect Senate/House members data.


jetbag513 t1_jblqemv wrote

Who is responsible? The gays or the trans?


asianblockguy t1_jbm2g0y wrote

Well judging that most lawmakers within the five miles radius of the DC area looked up terms like divorce, massage, balding, and midlife crisis and within that demographic clicked on a ad that mentioned a ted cruz erotic fan fiction.


vibrance9460 t1_jbmj5ls wrote

Has anyone considered the possibility of blackmail?


whyreadthis2035 t1_jbmtvu6 wrote

It all goes back to Hilare’s missing emails! I’m telling ya, there’s never been a reason for the US Govt to actually focus on security. It’s her fault! /s


AthleteAnnual t1_jbnqmi1 wrote

It's a good thing we have these 9 special character passwords for everything.