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monospaceman t1_jcteprc wrote

The article is pretty clear about it. These problems were centred around preservative-free drops, and therefore bacteria was able to breed.


Blenderx06 t1_jcti3c4 wrote

Unfortunately if you have chronic dry eye issues, doctors prescribe the use of preservative free drops only, as the preservatives can make things worse.


daveboy2000 t1_jcxhbni wrote

Well hopefully there'll be some preservatives that don't by the time we need them.


Blenderx06 t1_jcxilzz wrote

Covid left me with neuropathic dry eye since last year.


ElleHopper t1_jcu7xzw wrote

Preservatives can irritate the eye quite a bit if they need to be used daily or multiple times a day. Most people with moderate to severe dry eye are advised to use preservative free drops to prevent that.


dk00111 t1_jctmfwt wrote

Even though these eye drops were marketed as preservative free, if you look at the ingredient list, it has a preservative in it.


nimassane t1_jdxzg97 wrote

Well this is great for my anxiety. I have chronic dry eyes and constantly rely on Refresh preservative free eye drops every 2 hours.