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Wingnutmcmoo t1_jd3ep5d wrote

Tbf whenever a colorado state wide news reports on a mountain town its always referred to as a "Colorado town" in the headline or opening words of all reports here for as long as I've been alive. So it's just how we do it here cause even we don't bother to learn the name of every Nederland or Southpark

The mountain lions attacking people isn't that unusual for at least the decades I've been here. I personally know a number of people who've have very close run ins with unafraid mountain lions around here the past 30 years. It may be happening more but it's simply to be expected due to what we're doing to their homes (the same thing is happening with all the animals around here).

Currently I still worry about running into a moose or a scared deer more than a mountain lion (I tend to try to keep my head up for all the wildlife of course) as I and people I know have had many more close calls with moose, elk, and deer up in the mountains than the mountain lions.

Would be nice if we'd just stop fighting for space with them and just let them have more breathing room