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[deleted] t1_jbo6mij wrote


YaGirlKellie t1_jbofnas wrote

>Not sure about “racist bitch.”

Yeah the words we should use for ANY racist are far far worse than just bitch.


edit: downvoted? go back to your KKK meeting loser


gamerdude69 t1_jbrbd2w wrote

Maybe racists just need to be taught how not to be racist? You sound like you want to exterminate them. Everyone has flaws. You aren't a hero.


Witchgrass t1_jbsgit4 wrote

Lol omg I bet no one has ever thought of that. Gamerdude69 has just solved all of the worlds problems

/s, racist apologia is still racist


SoberingReality t1_jboiwqv wrote

This bitch earned that title simply from her actions. Anyone intentionally hurting another is a bitch in my opinion.