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camwow13 t1_jbpz8wz wrote

Short YouTube doc about Marineland

This place is an absolutely terrible theme park. Horrible place to go for that poor Orca. Would have been better off almost anywhere else.


dhork t1_jbq54ah wrote

But I was told that Everyone Loves Marineland! Did the commercials lie?


PatacusX t1_jbqrgkm wrote

I remember those commercials playing 100 times a day when I was a kid, and always begging my parents to bring me. I also thought it was a lot closer to me than it actually was too.


musical_shares t1_jbr7rc1 wrote

🎵 In Niagara Falls, Ontario

Marineland is the place to gooo 🎵


Ebenaceae t1_jbrhs31 wrote

Those commercials were always on kids TV! In retrospect, I'm pretty glad my parents never took me.


navikredstar t1_jbuip1x wrote

Literally the only good thing about that park is the Dragon Mountain roller coaster.


VisualCelery t1_jbtdc21 wrote

I'm from Boston and I only went to Marineland twice as a kid (my dad's from Canada and we have family in Niagara Falls), but that song was drilled into my brain.


kayl_breinhar t1_jbrudhv wrote

The place seriously looks like a North Korean Potemkin Amusement Park.


sayterdarkwynd t1_jbtz1zt wrote

It does. We went for a company outing years ago and dubbed the place Animal Auschwitz for a reason.

In the deer pen there were at least 6 deer bleeding openly, one of which was missing a fucking leg. Like, freshly so. It was still bleeding. No keepers to be seen.

There was a bear enclosure and the only thing people were provided to feed them was corn pops. Sugary cereal they do not eat in nature. And they *really* wanted that sugary crack.

And then the aquatic pens....ugh. Those poor animals. Imagine being shoved into a bathtub and constantly having giant crowds of people fawning over you who won't shut the hell up, and they are your only company.