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frealfr t1_jcvr35c wrote

This will just get him elected in 2024 thus owning the libs.


Odd-Employment2517 t1_jcweh19 wrote

Reminder that more military members voted Biden instead of Trump. When a republican can't even win the military vote they're done


Art-Zuron t1_jcwy67q wrote

Republicans one the popular vote once in the last 20 years. It was George Bush right after 9/11, which Bush exploited to drag the country to war and murder hundreds of thousands of completely unrelated civilians.

Lots of money to be made in imperialism after all.


[deleted] t1_jcwjx0d wrote



Art-Zuron t1_jcwy7uh wrote

Violence is what won him the election in 2016, and nearly again in 2020, so I'm still slightly worried.

That is to say that his violent nature is what did so.