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1Koala1 t1_je1wdhr wrote

The details surrounding the circumstances of adnan on that day are sketchy af. So sketchy I can't believe they made a podcast about it.

This dude said he gave his weed dealer who was only an acquaintance his car and cell phone for the day. Why? To get his gf a gift. WHAT?!? How is this believable to anyone?? And did he get the gift??? Nope. And it just so happens the cell phone tinged the cell towers in the area of the murder right around when the murder would have happened.

At a minimum this is really hard to believe but more than likely adnan was involved in some capacity


bananafobe t1_je29nra wrote

It's possible there's a kind of hindsight bias here.

The original intention of the podcast may have been less about arguing for his innocence than about examining a complicated murder investigation without a clear correct answer. The podcast going viral and the takeaway many had about him being innocent may have retroactively became what the podcast was primarily about.


JGT3000 t1_je4lhuc wrote

No, the podcast from the very start was about him being innocent and it being an injustice he was on prison. That's what drew Koenig to the case and it was the foundation for all the investigation and the podcast


spasske t1_je4r419 wrote

They went back and forth quite a bit.


Glen_The_Eskimo t1_je6pmbw wrote

I didn't listen to the podcast, I watched the Netflix documentary. They focused a lot on "not proven guilty," which I agree with. Innocent is a whole other thing.


pungen t1_je2bo5q wrote

The hard part about a lot of murders is if other illegal stuff was going on concurrently, people will try so hard to cover it up that it interferes with the murder investigation.

A friend of mine was murdered a couple years ago and it took them over a year to make a charge even though they knew who it was from the start. Because everyone close to this guy was involved in other illegal business (they were running a scam ring and selling meth) nobody would talk to the police because they didn't want to get themselves in trouble.

It felt like there was a whole lot of that going on with Adnan's case too. Everyone involved gave stories that seemed like lies, even the person who found her body. We will probably never know the whole truth.


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_je34sjq wrote

This is a case I'm honestly 50/50 on. But if I were on the jury I don't think I'd feel I could vote to convict beyond a reasonable doubt.


andrewthemexican t1_je36sub wrote

> And it just so happens the cell phone tinged the cell towers in the area of the murder right around when the murder would have happened.

Wasn't that actually not the case? Thought that's what I read.


KingsleyZissou t1_je4d0bx wrote

I don't think they actually know where the murder took place. Jay had a timeline in his testimony of where and when he claims it took place, but it doesn't align with cell records.


spasske t1_je4r0i2 wrote

That’s the dude who testified he helped him bury the body. They never really seemed to address why someone would fabricate something like that.


EggfooVA t1_je8j9yj wrote

I believe it was suggested it was an order to get immunity from his weed selling business. I mean, in the end that guy confessed to committing numerous crimes, as well as being a serious weird dealer and was never charged


mattheimlich t1_je3f15h wrote

Keep the time period in mind. It would not have been at all strange for a high school kid to leave their phone in the car all day, those things were immediate trouble if you had one in school back then.


1Koala1 t1_je3h61u wrote

My guy, you're not gonna give your car and cell phone to your weed dealer that you only consider an acquaintance no matter what year it is.

I get what you're saying, you can't bring a cell in school at the time but this was after school. And forget about the phone, his car??? The most valuable object a teenager has and he's just letting some weed dealer use it to get his gf a gift. One that is never purchased btw.. What if this guy wrecks his car? It's just preposterous, the whole thing


Derp_a_deep t1_je2dhy3 wrote

His friend Jay told the cops where the victim's car was ditched. No one knew that. Jay 100% was involved with the killing and/or body disposal. No rational person would conclude that Jay did this on his own. Adnand is a murderer, without any reasonable doubt.

I'm blown away that people were celebrating his release.
