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t1_isbkyyz wrote

This reminds me during the onset of covid.... All the crazy amount of grifters that were advertising health products and virus killing sprays on Fox News radio. I'm always listening to different satellite radio channels and I purposely listen to stuff I don't agree with like Fox just so I can know what the idiots are thinking.

I swear there was a one month period for anytime I'd be scanning through Fox News you would hear these constant advertisements for bogus products that you've never heard advertised on any other kind of radio station let alone would ever see in a store. It was just perfect fly by night let's make some health products because of covid right now and sell them only on Fox News. Pretty much the modern day version of late night only TV products targeted towards senior citizens.

Ironically so much of the Fox News segments would be hosts debating how real covid is while ads in between segments were for these new "health" products to protect you from covid. I remember that one was this "made in America " keychain with uv lasers to sanitize areas. A lot of the products seem to be new super strength vitamin pills.

Say what you want about these grifters but they're not stupid when it comes to hustling for money and knowing their perfect target market.