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tdring22 t1_itjsi5o wrote

That's literally the only thing keeping the country existing


ScrewAttackThis t1_itjwchn wrote

Being a buffer isn't nearly as important these days. It's a big part of why NK developed their own nukes and they've been a bit of a thorn in China's side for a while.


deaddonkey t1_itkfoaw wrote

Idk man I bet Ukraine wished it had a buffer back in feb


ScrewAttackThis t1_itkjl8x wrote

Considering Russia invaded them in 2014, they'd probably want it a bit before feb lol.

I was mainly talking about China vs the US, though. I just mean NK isn't exactly much of a buffer for China anymore. Not only would their military fold like paper, we have a lot of capabilities that wouldn't even require us to step foot in NK if something crazy popped off.

Not to mention we've had US personnel deployed to 2 countries that share a border with China.