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Ares1935 t1_ismn7iu wrote

sure, just looking for a black BMW in OC.

better hope they find a plate on a nearby traffic cam


AskWhatWhen t1_ismtv12 wrote

No traffic cams in that area, sadly. Pinecastle isn't one of the more "well to do" areas. Good people, though, and I wouldn't think the driver was from around there.


isawagoose t1_isoycm8 wrote

>Good people, though, and I wouldn't think the driver was from around there.

What an absurd and baseless assumption. Shitty people live in literally every neighborhood.


bannana t1_isp544y wrote

The assumption is more likely a driver of a bmw doesn't live in this poorer neighborhood


denyjunctionfunction t1_isp87hm wrote

Plenty of people in poor neighborhoods drive bmws. It’s either them wasting all their money on that one thing or they are driving an ancient model.


ageofthoughts t1_ispuaqi wrote

I love reddits ability to turn literally any comment into an argument


DeNoodle t1_isq16lj wrote

I would argue that it's human nature and not something caused by Reddit.