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BrillWolf t1_isoni3t wrote

Have you driven around Orlando lately? It's a shitshow at the best of times.


RobPlaysThatGame t1_isotawo wrote

Every place swears that their local drivers are the worst. Meanwhile, the magic of Orlando is that every region's worst drivers are here on vacation with rental cars and no idea where they're going.


BrillWolf t1_isp1nta wrote

They get their licenses from Cracker Jack boxes


gringo-tico t1_isosp0b wrote

A procession of bikes were running their red light last night when I was driving back home. There were like a hundred of them and they wouldn't stop, even as we were crossing. The car next to me had to literally stop in the middle of the road on a green until we were almost hitting them to get them to stop that shit. I hate driving here so much lol.


shouldabeenanemail t1_isop4fv wrote

Sounds like it. I hear there are people that will start cursing at you within minutes of leaving their driveway.
