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notabee t1_itf4mcw wrote

There is tons of evidence that Covid messes with immune function. Here's a few sample links just so some galaxy brain genius doesn't immediately jump in here with the always clever, "GOT ANY SOURCES?!!", but seriously just search for "Covid immune dysfunction" and there is a plethora of stuff to read about. And it's probably going to be relevant to kids too, despite their (usually) milder symptoms.


tony_sandlin t1_itf8m9a wrote

You must have had a bad experience with someone asking for sources lol


notabee t1_itfa2vx wrote

Yeah, I have, mostly on reddit. Not because having sources is bad, but because it has become a thought-terminating cliche that people like to use to dismiss bad news or concepts they don't like. Reading sources is good! And it shouldn't require someone hand feeding you sources to take some things seriously enough to spend some time looking into them independently. So many people just parrot shit, and many parrots think "got sources?" is equivalent to winning internet points.


sgrams04 t1_itfd49i wrote

>Reading sources is good!

Please provide a source for this


NoBrains-NoGains t1_iti7o36 wrote

While many people use it as a brain-dead defense mechanism, if you are making big claims you should be reasonably prepared to provide evidence to support it. Tons of people pull information out of their ass on reddit too so it goes both ways.


edgarapplepoe t1_itgptqm wrote

Also the unseen damage covid can do might make recovering harder or exacerbate symptoms.