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Malaix t1_ir25x3s wrote

Bomb threat. Good joke man. Enjoy being on all those fun domestic terrorist lists.

Had a upperclassman in high school do a bomb threat prank. It was a piece of cardboard with a "there is a bomb in locker 325" written on it stuck to a wall with gum.

Bomb squad came in. did a full sweep, investigation caught the two dipshits responsible. Full expulsion one of them was a senior so they missed prom and graduation. Family got saddled with the bill.

Good prank man. /s

No one is going to give a shit if you bomb threat a place and then go "it was just a prank bro!" you will get hammered with consequences.


HenCarrier t1_ir31g88 wrote

I did it middle school. Wrote it on 09/10/01, the day before the terrorist attacks. The person it was intended for didn’t find it till the next day. Definitely learned my lesson. Haven’t been in trouble with the law since.