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[deleted] t1_itqlv4q wrote



randymontana t1_itry6ov wrote

Per this article in the 6 years prior (2015-2021) 10,000 children have died in Yemen due to the conflict, also fueled by American support of Saudi Arabia.

Per this Wikipedia page, since 2012 (10 years) a total of 850 children have been killed in Palestine, and that includes deaths from Palestinian militants, not just IDF.

You're uh, wrong as fuck or at least willfully misrepresenting data.

Based on the social media presence of this issue, Arabs only seem to care about Arab children dying when its being done by Jews. While I agree with the pro-palestine movement, it seems to be rife with antisemitism and bad-faith actors like yourself that will prevent it from ever becoming mainstream.


[deleted] t1_its25s7 wrote

I heard you ate a baby last night so I say you're worse. I have a signed paper that says you did so in plain view in front of 50 witnesses

Prove me wrong or prove your statement correct

you can't do either


[deleted] t1_its5086 wrote



FrostyWarning t1_its5g3h wrote

Wow he jumped straight into holocaust denial. I'd love to say I'm surprised, but I'm really not.


[deleted] t1_its5qcn wrote



[deleted] t1_its62nc wrote

And you ate a baby last night, that's just as much of a fact