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Ccubed02 t1_it44zz2 wrote

How evil must one be to be willing to murder children rather than give up even a fraction of their power. This kid had so much of his life in front of him and it was taken on the orders of stubborn old men.


NK_Bohunk t1_it4awef wrote

Imagine believing that you are absolved of your role in this because you are told that you are simply acting on behalf of your god....


screech_owl_kachina t1_it4vgq1 wrote

Funny how God never tells guys to stop killing people and beating women in the street, or even ever seems to disagree with their actions.

Every religious leader is always "God is saying what I am doing is right and just, that I should be in power, and yes I get to fuck 13 year olds. God said I could you guys!"


Bitter_Director1231 t1_it5gbj9 wrote

They are all fake. The religious leaders used the religion as a power play while their offspring is on European holiday snorting coke and having the time of their lives.

Iranian people need to continue to fight and protest to overthrow a bigoted bunch of old religious men.


nps2407 t1_it73pfv wrote

>Funny how God never tells guys to stop killing people and beating women in the street, or even ever seems to disagree with their actions.

Ask any of them and they'll tell that's all their book says. Probably why most ignore it.


thudly t1_itddlga wrote

> God never tells guys to stop killing people

He does. Constantly. Anybody killing in God's name is going to be very suprised and dismayed when they meet him.

> Every religious leader is always

Yes. There's the problem.


frodosdream t1_it3t7jj wrote

These brave kids are making the change that the adults of their nation feared to do.

Deep respect for these kids!


RichPay5064 t1_it3u0km wrote

Absolutely. I stand with the Iranians that want to change this regime. It's very brave of the people to stand up to those that are in charge.


chockedup t1_it4alwi wrote

Killing kids, what a picture that paints of Iran's leadership.


titsmcgee8008 t1_it4k5ur wrote

This sham of a government has no love for its people.

When they complain of drought and water mismanagement, they shoot you dead.

When they criticize the election because it was not free and fair, they shoot you dead.

When you honk at a nearby protest to support your fellow citizens, they shoot you dead.

When they see a strand of hair, they shoot you dead.

This government loves control and lining their own pockets more than the sound of child's laughter.

No more. Zan, Zendegi, Azadi!


UrsusMajor53 t1_it3ze2v wrote

So sorry young man. You were shot death on the orders of dried up old men who did not do one iota to bring your country, mental, emotional and physical prosperity. I saddens me that they dare take your young, unique, god-given-life from you, your loved ones and friends. How dare they use the holy book to take what god granted you. There will be a reconning in afterlife and those responsible for taking your sacred life from god, will be met with derision. Again I am so sad what these bearded gangsters are doing in the name of the holiest.


trent58 t1_it4k37l wrote

It’s a mental illness to choose between young peoples lives and forcing women to wear a piece of fabric. Absolutely bananas.


hubuhodle t1_it6vh6f wrote

i work with people with disabilities and I promise they are not this insane


Sivick314 t1_it4u175 wrote

So we're at the shooting children portion of the revolution...


FlyingFlipPhone t1_it4vd8e wrote


VanDenBroeck t1_it73ruy wrote

Yeah, he wanted to shoot the George Floyd protesters but didn’t want to do anything about the January 6 rioters and insurrectionists. And of course he didn’t want to do anything about guns and school shootings. Sick twisted priorities.


debbado t1_it4xyrp wrote

And he is not the first. They have killed many kids


LasedandConfused t1_it6m1eq wrote

One of the biggest take aways I have ever gotten from old timey religions is that you MUST destroy those that oppress you. Get on it Iran, good luck to you all.


Euripidoze t1_it54i70 wrote

Appropriation of our culture