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amateur_mistake t1_ir7m3ao wrote

If Ukraine wants to catch up to russia on assassinating prominent russian officials, it's going to have to work much quicker.


khinzeer t1_ir8kizj wrote

I think MANY of these assassinations of high profile Russians have been committed by elements of Ukrainian intelligence. It would be easy for them to infiltrate Russia.

I also think it’s possible that Ukrainian intelligence is also behind the destruction of nord stream. They definitely had the best reason, and probably could have pulled it off w an underwater drone and high explosive.

edit: lol at the downvotes. i support Ukraine's right to do this, it's classic asymmetric warfare, but the it's pretty obvious they are the ones that have the most reason to do it.


Carpet_Wax t1_ir96ler wrote

Russia entered the chat.


khinzeer t1_ir9prvs wrote

I support ukraines right to do this. They got invaded. Putin actually doesn’t benefit from these assassinations OR the pipeline attack.

You probably thought Putin killed dugina, even though it was fairly obvious who was behind it.


Alvinite t1_ircsr2t wrote

>I support ukraines right to do this. They got invaded.

So when some Islamic extremists bombed any Western countries in a terror attack as retaliation for what the West did in the middle east that means they have every right to do so and we shouldn't brutally root it out?


khinzeer t1_ireh6lx wrote

Not all Islamic terror attacks are the same. September 11th really had no pretext, and was responding to Saudi internal politics.

Iraqi resistance attacking American soldiers and media was not something I loved seeing, but it was an inevitable and somewhat justifiable reaction to an illegal invasion, yes.

That being said, while the invasion of Iraq was illegal and bad, what the Russians are doing in Ukraine is an order of magnitude worse, and they should expect a worse reaction.


TheManassaBaller t1_ir8y9h5 wrote

Do you have any evidence or is every country that borders the country of an assassinated politician guilty just because they live close by?


khinzeer t1_ir9pkd3 wrote

They are at war. There’s clear motive and (I would say) moral pretext for doing it.

If I said “Ukraine probably killed Dugina” last week I would have gotten downvoted, even tho it’s obvious.