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mtarascio t1_itfxv2p wrote

Didn't call an Ambulance and got himself to hospital before dying.

What's the bet he didn't have health insurance?

Or was afraid cops would show up and shoot him again?


earhere t1_itg2urw wrote

No one called 911 for him?


girlynic t1_itg4eni wrote

This is sad. That school is not in the greatest area. That area is known for gang activity.


fbtcu1998 t1_itgluyg wrote

I doubt no insurance was a reason. If it was, he wouldn't have even gone to the hospital at all. Avoiding the cops is possible, but I doubt it was because he was afraid they'd shoot him. He could have been involved or had warrants or something like that. Or just prioritized his health first and didn't want to play 20 questions with the cops before getting medical help. My guess is he or someone else thought he'd get medical care quicker by driving him to the hospital rather than waiting on an ambulance. Not that uncommon for people to drive to the hospital vs waiting on an ambulance if time is of the essence.


dudeedud4 t1_itgnffl wrote

Cops are coming NO MATTER WHAT if you show up with a gunshot wound so thats off the table as well. It was probably way quicker to drive themselves or get driven then wait on an ambulance.


fbtcu1998 t1_itgnrfk wrote

Its not so much the cops won't let them come in, its more a policy they have to wait for the scene to be secured. EMTs don't want to run into an active shooting scene anymore than you or I would.


skankenstein t1_itgs84c wrote

I know this school. I used to teach around the corner. I also know CA. This wasn’t an insurance decision. We have Medi-Cal.

Edit: He should have waited for the ambulance. In a panic, I wouldn’t remember which was the closest ER while dealing with a GSW and there really isn’t one super close without multiple freeways or surface streets. You def want UC Davis with your GSW and that is far from Grant by car.


justhammerbaby t1_ith2gy8 wrote

Closest hospital is Sutter on L. UC Davis is probably better because of its trauma services. I went to Grant. I remember when they took away night games in the 90’s because of a shooting there.


skankenstein t1_ith31qh wrote

Oh yeah. Sutter is a little closer but UC Davis is ultimately who I would want tending to my injuries.

This isn’t the first death on Grant campus that I can recall since I’ve lived in Sacramento. There was a drive by shooting in broad daylight a few years back. Football players were the targets.


happyscrappy t1_ith7vrb wrote

Okay, I'll bite. Look at a terrain map. Clearly it's one big valley from Redding to the Grapevine. Why does the San Joaquin Valley officially stop just before Sacramento?

Is there a good reason or did Sacramento not want to be part of the Central Valley either?


happyscrappy t1_ith9w7g wrote

Yeah. It's funny though, the article on the SJ valley says it's urbanizing. Says Bakersfield is a big-time up and coming city with multi-million dollar gated communities. I better rush out there before all the good land is taken. ;) Wikipedia should check to see if real estate agents are making edits to pages.

Certainly Chico feels different than Fresno. And in spring when Sacramento is a swamp it feels a lot different than either of them. But ending "a valley" is odd to me. I think I'm just hung up on the fact that the name is a geographic feature. It's not really all that different than classing Orange County different from Los Angeles. But since neither of those names refer to geographical features it doesn't seem as strange to me.


jrhoffa t1_ith9wvi wrote

If only there had been a good football with a gun!


tristan957 t1_ithleq2 wrote

> [P]olice believe those involved in the disturbance were not students, though that information is preliminary.

As a referee for high school and middle school basketball in Texas, y'all really need to act like adults at a children's sporting event. The amount of hate and vitriol night after night is insane.


SixMillionDollarFlan t1_ithm0ca wrote

It's an interesting question. I think it's used as a geographic region (literally), and a sociological grouping. Literally, Sac might be part of the central valley region. But since it's a business/financial center instead of an agricultural town it's different culturally.

It reminds me of the East Coast where Appalachia refers to a type of living (rural) as well as a geographic region that has larger urban areas.

But Cali has never been good at naming regions (see NorCal/SoCal divide).


dudeedud4 t1_ithm3lb wrote

You've obviously never been to an ER like this.. I'm more likely to get shot /at/ my hospital then away from it. Just because you hate police doesn't mean everything is bad.


retiredhobo t1_ithwt41 wrote

“Call the FBI, the CIA, and the Pentagon—find out who won the game!”


fbtcu1998 t1_ithy7tt wrote

SC here. fights weren't uncommon, but it was usually just 3-4 people engaged, and thankfully no shootings. Usually it was kids though from other schools, and younger kids getting heated over playing ball during the game. Don't recall parents ever getting into fights, though some were escorted out for yelling and screaming like a lunatic


spark3h t1_ithynhj wrote

You have to be extremely poor to qualify for Medi-cal. Like, if you make minimum wage full time, you don't qualify. Someone making 20K a year definitely can't afford an ambulance ride, but makes too much to qualify for Medi-cal.


fbtcu1998 t1_iti0b0y wrote

Doubtful in this case. The average ambulance cost in CA is around $600. Granted his could be more given the severity of the injuries. But the average cost for an ER visit in CA is nearly $3k. Considering this was a life threating gunshot wound he'd need x-rays, surgery, blood, etc. He could easily be $10k+ for the hospital bill. I just can't see any way his ambulance ride would be more than the ER.


fbtcu1998 t1_iti2mm3 wrote


Like I said the ambulance part could easily be more considering his injuries, but I can't see how it would be the most expensive part of the entire thing.

Edit: Oh that is just the private ones, 911 probably would go thru a municipality which could be more than the average, but I still don't think it would 10k plus like the ER visit could.


fbtcu1998 t1_iti8mv8 wrote

I won't pretend to be able to unravel all the layers of that stinky onion. There are costs, reimbursements, different costs based on insurance or not, private vs public, subsidized vs not, etc. A man's gotta know his limits, and untangling medical costs is where I tap out.


vermiliondragon t1_itila9k wrote

I have two pending ambulance bills in California. One is $2600, the other is $11,500 (I think that covers 2 rides). They considered out of network but insurance will still limit what they can collect and, frankly, I just wouldn't pay them if they didn't. They're saying I should expect to pay $250 for one and $650 for the other but I don't have final bills yet.

$10k is a massive underestimate for a surgery and a couple days in the hospital. The per day hospital stay alone is likely $10k. My husband's bypass surgery alone was $115k and that did not include individual surgeons, lab work, anesthesiologists. The anesthesiology bill is pending at $6550 (like the ambulances, considered out of network but assume insurance will reduce it).


heisenbugtastic t1_itjn641 wrote

Shit just watched a four on four thrashing at the broncos game. Heads going into the concrete. Maybe sober adults, or at least more rational and constructive.


DonnieJuniorsEmails t1_itl33b8 wrote

thank goodness for the Good Guy with a gun, making everything better....


sentient_love_sock t1_itlu61q wrote

We are having problems staffing youth soccer refs where I’m at because so many parents are losing their shit on them. It’s becoming a real problem and our club has had to start asking parents to go sit in their cars if they can’t behave.