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corpse_flour t1_is91sln wrote

The fact that they continued to fight instead of rendering aid to their injured kids shows that they cared more about their fight than the lives of their offspring. I can't imagine how self-absorbed one would have to be to think like that.


egospiers t1_isa5ag4 wrote

Shit is crazy after the first guys 4 year old! Was shot he didn’t drive to the hospital, he didn’t call 911… no he continued down the road and emptied his glock into the other guys car. There needs to be some child endangerment charges added as least.


Odd_Bag_289 t1_isa2klf wrote

If they didn't fight who would protect the guns? Someone could have taken those protective fathers guns and shot someone's innocent child.


YoLoDrScientist t1_isa7cgk wrote

Clearly the kids should have had guns this wouldn’t have been an issue


Odd_Bag_289 t1_isaxqks wrote

Finally some words of wisdom. People How long are we going to be forced to live in a world where our children, our innocent soft minded youth cannot arm themselves for protection from other soft minded youths with guns. We need to make firearms more accessible to America's youth for protection. Common sense


pzerr t1_isbw696 wrote

What they should have done is settled it via a dual from five feet. Alone. Let God figure out who is guilty.