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[deleted] t1_iugzjgx wrote


mcs_987654321 t1_iuh07mx wrote

Jesus fuck do they ever have long tentacles - the YouTube stuff, Epoch times, NDT (which is basically that quasi-official “broadcaster” of all Turning Point stuff)… and that was before Guo started pouring tons of money in all the various media platforms.

Such bad news bears.


Instagibbon t1_iuh2w8x wrote

Well it's a good thing we can depend on Chinese state new- ah fuck that's even more lies. Guess there's no honest Chinese news outlet.


mcs_987654321 t1_iuh3h8y wrote

Yeah, I honestly don’t have a single Chinese news source that I would trust at even the most superficial level.

The Economist publishes good, well sourced pieces from time to time, and have a few academics I follow who have perspectives that pass fact + gut checks…but for day to day news I got nothin.