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AllBluringIntoOne t1_iuh0gte wrote

It was posted 3 minutes before the timestamp on the cctv but if you're ignoring that, fine. Ignore the dead man checking his watch and the "30th of rabi al awwal" too

But an attack on shahcheragh, collapse of the rest of metropol, and a deadly factory explosion all on the 40th of mahsa seems normal to you? A guy with a huge gun just walks in a place where they search you harder than an airport? Inconsistencies between every announcement? How come they had complete footage, the names of the victims and the attackers got arrested after only a few minutes when they never do that for other disasters? If all of that doesn't seem suspicious to you then you're sucking too much mullah dick


madali0 t1_iuh13r4 wrote

>It was posted 3 minutes before the timestamp on the cctv but if you're ignoring that, fine.

Bs, you guys just believe whatever you read. No one in the world has ever engaged in a false flag (specially one as risky as this, which would collapse the state since they are supposedly attacking the people on their side) and made sure to involve poster designers in their super secret plan. I really don't understand why you guys don't have critical thinking abilities.

>But an attack on shahcheragh, collapse of the rest of metropol, and a deadly factory explosion all on the 40th of mahsa seems normal to you?

Things happen every day and everyday can be framed as important. If it happened on Saturday, you'd claim it was because of Cyrus Day.

And terrorists attack to create instability, that's basically their whole objective.

>A guy with a huge gun just walks in a place where they search you harder than an airport?

It's not harder than an airport first of all, like at all, not even close. Second of all, you can see in the video that they killed the security. Third of all, you don't think there has been terrorist attacks in an airport in other countries? How about the 911 attacks, how did that happen? Finally, how about our own country. There has been terrorist attacks in much more secure places. Don't you remember a few years ago where they attacked a military parade. You think a military parade has less security forces than a religious shrine with a bored security guard that is seeing hundreds of people walking in everyday for years??