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ChairmanLaParka t1_iu62tbe wrote

Never hurts to check on the validity of money sent to you.

Back in the pre-internet days, I had a check for $250,000 sent to me. I almost threw it away. But decided to take it to a local lawyer to verify authenticity. He did some research, found it to be legit, and told me it was safe to deposit.

Turns out a company I worked briefly for (I mean, literally maybe 6 weeks), went out of business and was paying out their remaining cash to recent employees as long as they'd been employed within the last year. I didn't recognize the sender on the envelope because it was the corporation's name, not that businesses'. What makes it even better is that I wasn't fired. I'd quit. Because I asked for time off when I was hired for 6 weeks out for a concert I wanted to go to (Metallica), and they initially approved it, but denied it when the day came. I came in to work, told them I was leaving at 6 so they needed to get someone there. No one came. So I locked it up, took the key to the shop next door (friend of the owner), and quit on the spot.

Best quarter mil I've ever earned in one day. Also the only. But the best!


LowDownSkankyDude t1_iu636a4 wrote

Fuck. Yes.

Like I don't even care if it's true or not, cause that's such a fucking awesome story. LoL