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Happyjarboy t1_irgll4u wrote

The VA spends $9 billion a year on mental health. Which is much more than any other country.


17times2 t1_irgrobw wrote

Well, it better be. We have the largest military in the world, even if you combined #2-#11, we'd still beat them. And ask nearly any veteran, they will tell you the shit care of the VA. Whether it's forcing you to use their specific facility even if you have to fly there (all costs on you), or using rejects from the local medical school for surgeries, their level of care is abysmal. I know 3 people that went in for surgeries, on the knees or back, and all of them came out worse than they did before.


NotRoryWilliams t1_irh74oa wrote

And yet, despite all of these issues, it’s still an order of magnitude better than the health care that is provided to many working Americans, which is: you don’t get to see doctors at all, and if you call in sick you’re fired and homeless.


17times2 t1_irh7xjm wrote

Considering all those vets I mentioned wished they never went, I'm not convinced that paying to make it noticeably worse is an improvement over nothing at all.


reddditttt12345678 t1_irgsmvy wrote

>We have the largest military in the world, even if you combined #2-#11, we'd still beat them

Only in terms of money and equipment.

Yes, that's what wins wars these days, but the metric that matters here is head count.


Anonuser123abc t1_irm9oyc wrote

Regardless of what the money got spent on, it would suggest that there is money to help the people who fight our wars around the globe.


JethroLull t1_irh3qhk wrote

Have you ever sought mental healthcare through the VA?