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Coherent_Tangent t1_it9x25p wrote

Still better than if she were in Florida. Our state surgeon general is an anti-vaxxer. Watched a video of him today sitting in with talking head who was calling the vaccine demonic and insisting it was a measure to kill people.

Now he didn't make these claims himself, but he did smile and nod along without correction the guy. This is the person who would suspend licenses in our state, so Maine feels entirely sane to me. Sad times.


DorisCrockford t1_itannv5 wrote

That guy is really out there. He might not have made those claims himself this time, but he's been doing so himself for years. I'm sorry your state is in the clutches of the nutjobs.


johngalt1971 t1_itbgl5p wrote

Licenses are not under the state surgeons general jurisdiction. It is up to the state medical board to decide on issues related to licensing. It is made up of several members.


jim_deneke t1_itbidnm wrote

Has anyone followed up on that claim? Because a vast majority have been vaccinated and there's still no mass unexpected deaths occurring.