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elfletcho2011 t1_itcsr5u wrote

for saying the truth? wonder how many doctors don't have their license for saying something against the false narratives.


tracyinge t1_itdeso7 wrote

What has she said that's "the truth" as opposed to these "false narratives"?


elfletcho2011 t1_ithwngy wrote

doctors have different opinions on medical care. As far as kids, I don't know if we should be vaccinating them or not? But...'talking about it'. Shouldn't get someone suspended. Vaccines have always been controversial.

I know its so much easier to 'hate, and dump on people'. Rather than listen to them. That is why we are supposed to have a constitution. To protect people.

What exactly did the person do? Besides express an opinion?


tracyinge t1_itjyjol wrote

So if I tell a 4 year old that I see no problem with him jumping into the deep end of the pool, and then sit there and watch him drown, hey.... all I did was express an opinion?

You sound like Marjory Taylor Greene talking about Alex whats-his-face.


elfletcho2011 t1_itk74gs wrote

A 4 year old not getting the covid the equivalent of a kid drowning to death? That defies all rational logic. I think your fear mongering now.....and really not interested in any kind of logical discussion


tracyinge t1_itmbk3x wrote

Who said those things were equivalent? They are two separate examples of just "expressing an opinion".

You said all the doctor did was "express an opinion".

I say you can express any opinion that you want but there may be consequences. Do you agree?