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JackMitcham t1_irr9ztq wrote

> No one fucking told you "marriage was a 24/7 consent situation"

I believe her. Lawyers are still making this case in court.

>and even if they did, you know better.

And how does that help arrest the rapist?


[deleted] t1_irraymu wrote



CyanideKitty t1_irre3gv wrote

I couldn't have a case because cops refused to take a report because marriage is a 24/7 consent. This happens to many women.


JackMitcham t1_irrb96p wrote

>What lawyers?

Many lawyers. Trump's lawyers, for one.

>What case?

The case that one cannot rape one's spouse. I was very clear in my original post, I don't know why you're confused.

>What rapist is getting arrested?

None, that's the point.

>Her ex-husband?

I mean, yeah. She literally said she was raped. What is confusing you? Jesus Christ man, pay attention.


[deleted] t1_irrc6j7 wrote



JackMitcham t1_irrh3eb wrote

> No idea what Trump's lawyers have to do with this conversation. > >

YOU ASKED which lawyers are making this case in court.

>she stated she was told by law enforcement many years later that it was legal.

Yeah, when she tried reporting the crime. You don't have a problem with that?

>on your idiotic comments.

Enjoy the ban, I guess.