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KerPop42 t1_it8pb7i wrote

Lol, last point at the end, apparently Putin called the US colonialist for sending arms to Ukraine, in the same announcement where he declared the annexation of Ukraine's territory


[deleted] t1_it9cntv wrote



KerPop42 t1_it9e4rk wrote

Yayyy tankies

Doing a fascism to own the capitalists


sjfiuauqadfj t1_it9or8u wrote

at the very least its an easy way to see who is actually an anti imperialist and who simps for authoritarians with russian/chinese characteristics


HugheyM t1_it9vpbt wrote

A shame Austin has to waste time talking to amateurs like Shoigu.

I’d like to think the conversation was “get rid of Putler, then we’ll talk.”


Maktaka t1_ita4u24 wrote

Even Navalny refuses to consider returning Crimea to Ukraine, on the justification that it's not "a ham sandwich or something that you can take and give back". The longer russian troops occupy Ukrainian territory, the more open he'll be to applying that logic to Donbas et al. The people thought of as the "good" russians to take charge are still fascists bent on taking over Ukraine, they're just willing to do it slower.


NessyComeHome t1_itabfeu wrote

Yep. He also shares the current government stance of "Russia should have a say in the domestic affairs of former soviet states".

His anti war in Ukraine stance is less supporting Ukranian sovereignty, and more of an anti putin stance.

He is also anti corruption... which, dont get me wrong, would be great for the country and it's citizens... but imagine if all the money meant for the military was never stolen... everything maintained, better equipment.. hell even just having basic uniforms that they currently lack.


No_Yoghurt2313 t1_itamx97 wrote

Being anti corruption in russia is death sentence.


MichaelVonBiskhoff t1_itb2w30 wrote

Navalnyy is a pro-West Russian imperialist, if that makes sense. He fully supported the 2008 intervention in Georgia, called the Georgians rodents and was dissapointed that the Russians didn't commit to invading the entirety of Georgia


apstls t1_itbdznb wrote

Who the fuck takes somebody’s ham sandwich away from them and then returns sometime later and gives it back


Actual-Obligation728 t1_it8lduj wrote

The free world shouldn't negotiate with a NaZi terrorist state until a new ruZZian government, demilitarization and reparations are agreed and all the Ruzzian terrorists leave Ukraine.


jungles_fury t1_it98paz wrote

The z thing is a little too much dude. Reign it in a bit


JimFive t1_it9arn5 wrote

How are they supposed to agree on demilitarization and reparations if they don't talk to each other?


random-incident t1_italc5d wrote


Putin: We want your land

Ukraine: You can't have it

Good meeting.


DadaDoDat t1_itadak8 wrote

NATO could "demilitarize" russia in less than a month. Even without talking to each other.


FuegoFerdinand t1_ita41yr wrote

No matter how bad relations get, nuclear powers should always be willing to talk to each other.


Draker-X t1_it9y2mr wrote

Zzzzz...wha? Oh, sorry. What were you saying?


JustSamJ t1_it8r7us wrote

Tell us how you REALLY feel. /s

Edut: (its a joke not a condemnation, calm down)


Payutenyodagimas t1_it8wrvc wrote

Time to stop this madness


PazDak t1_it9fhfo wrote

All Putin has to do is pull his forces back...


DadaDoDat t1_itad6q6 wrote

Yep, definitely time for russia to stop their madness.


grumpy_hedgehog t1_itb10y1 wrote

“Bruh, you really gonna nuke us?”

“Nah fam, you gonna nuke us?”

“Wasn’t actually planning on it.”

“Ok, cool”


secret handshake


Bitter_Director1231 t1_itbza0a wrote

There is almost always back channels in which diplomats speak even though in the media they are odds with each other.

It's when the back channels go radio silent, then I would start worrying.


Warr_Dogg t1_itcqi7b wrote

I’m curious how an actual defence minister can have a conversation with Shoigu without it being like talking to a kindergarten child?


gizmozed t1_itbohup wrote

Talking to Putin or his proxies is a $%@# waste of time, like discussing nuclear fission with a toddler.


_MrBalls_ t1_it9ldqc wrote

I wonder how that call went...
