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thebestever-battling t1_irrsh13 wrote

idk man fox is pretty surreal. CNN doesn't claim it's not a news agency and that their hosts are entertainers


machinich_phylum t1_irs30iq wrote

MSNBC does. CNN probably would if an anchor got sued.


Mist_Rising t1_irs5gzx wrote

It helps when you don't broadly mischaracterize the case as the person you replied to does. Fox claimed that Carlson wasn't their news anchor but an opinion/entertainment feature. Something nobody with a brain disagrees with. CNN does have those folks too, Chris Coumo was one.

They didn't claim they werent a news station as the Fox news desk is a thing. Fox news desk has the same level of factualness as CNN and slightly higher than MSNBC (they're all in the C grade) with an equal bias to both.


Code2008 t1_irs00nd wrote

No, but they're getting there. Both need to be purged from this god forsaken world.