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Juggs_gotcha t1_irsm5qc wrote

That statement does fairly well sum up my absolute perplexity at the state of U.S. culture. Gun violence daily, deaths en masse? Throw it up there on television, no worries.

One single nipple? You scum bag what are you trying to do, turn our children into strippers?

I don't get it. I'd rather the news play a thirty second montage of every celebrity cooch shot that has ever been taken than have to wade through seeing where a bunch of kids were fucking murdered.


r-reading-my-comment t1_irw8fh6 wrote

I saw a dude get shot live once, the station freaked the fuck out about it. It was an accidental clip they got of a dude shooting himself.

I get the general vibe of your post, but the news shows doesn't like showing real violence or nudity. It shows anything up to that though.