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FailOsprey t1_irwfe04 wrote

>I nearly lost a sibling to carbon monoxide poisoning in a hotel room, and they still suffer long term effects like headaches after 3 years.

...this sounds like something someone would say if they were trying to justify a lawsuit.


throwawaypaycheck1 OP t1_irwhok7 wrote

Long term effects of acute CO poisoning are real.


FailOsprey t1_irwj8yr wrote

I don't doubt it, but I don't necessarily believe in this particular anecdote. Based on this one account, I wouldn't rush out to buy a portable carbon monoxide detector for when I stay in a hotel. When money's involved, there seems to be a higher than normal instance of long term side effects. Maybe its psychological, maybe it's greed. It's the world we live in.


IonizedRadiation32 t1_irxfqm9 wrote

Who tf do you think you are to just come up to someone you don't know telling you about someone close to them suffering and saying "yeah, I think they're faking it for the money", based on less than zero evidence?!

Seriously, the internet's veil of anonymity hits some people unbelievably hard.


LadyKaitlyn t1_iryb1wj wrote

Nah you don't get it bro, this guy brought up the totally factual point that most illnesses caused by the negligence of a business are made up to scam them out of money. So you should always assume a family member who "nearly died" is just tryna get that bag. ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ˜œ

Source: his ass


RedheadTinman t1_irxvtws wrote

No lawsuit was filed, and I donโ€™t see one being filed - itโ€™s probably been too long.