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Organic_Reputation_6 t1_isood1p wrote

Turkey in nato is a disgrace , fake coup and imprisoning polical opponents a while ago ; supporting both Russia and Ukraine , extorting eu with refugees , illegally occupying part of Cyprus . As EU there’s only 1 thing to do, impose heavy taxes on flights to Turkey killing their tourism and abandoning double nationalities. Just show some teeth instead of being erdogans slave. Europe can destroy the Turkish economy so easily.


Fausterion18 t1_isqdzqr wrote

>supporting both Russia and Ukraine

There is only one NATO country that has directly fought Russia lately, and it's Turkey when they smashed half the Syrian army alongside their Russian advisors.


Wrong_Hombre t1_isqx6m0 wrote

Is uhhhh... Is this supposed to be impressive?

If so, highly weird flex, the Russian military has proven to be pure, unadulterated turbo-shit.

Also, the US military engaged Wagner (technically not Russian military, but yeah definitely Russian military) and Syrian regulars; the US group of like 100 dudes smashed 4-500 Wagner/Syrians got smashed to pieces and received 0 casualties.


Fausterion18 t1_isqxr9n wrote

Did you miss the entire context?

He claimed Turkey supports Russia when Turkey literally fought a mini-war against Russia a couple years ago.


Wrong_Hombre t1_isqy2w5 wrote

Have you been paying attention at all? He's stating that Turkey fought the Russian military and won, and implied this makes them a valuable partner.

Beating up the Russian military is slightly less impressive in 2022 than it was in 2021. The Russian military sucks shit.


Fausterion18 t1_isrenpy wrote

>Have you been paying attention at all? He's stating that Turkey fought the Russian military and won, and implied this makes them a valuable partner.

Where in this entire quote do you see any thing of the sort?

> Turkey in nato is a disgrace , fake coup and imprisoning polical opponents a while ago ; supporting both Russia and Ukraine , extorting eu with refugees , illegally occupying part of Cyprus . As EU there’s only 1 thing to do, impose heavy taxes on flights to Turkey killing their tourism and abandoning double nationalities. Just show some teeth instead of being erdogans slave. Europe can destroy the Turkish economy so easily.

Quote specifically where he says Turkey fought Russia and won and this makes them a valuable partner.

>Beating up the Russian military is slightly less impressive in 2022 than it was in 2021. The Russian military sucks shit.

What the fuck are you even on about?


cgaWolf t1_istyp12 wrote

>Europe can destroy the Turkish economy so easily.

What for? Erdogan is doing a great job of that all by himself.