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tonystark254 OP t1_itg5r9i wrote

By care do you mean "speak on it" or actually addressing it?


SnooCookies2907 t1_itg6lk2 wrote

Tbh I guess a little bit of both. I see it on CNN's website with all the investigations but when it's on CNN on tv, it's just a bypass. But with other wars they do deep dives and it's a constant. There is some type of pushback with the international community but with the Ethiopian war it's just quiet.


tonystark254 OP t1_itg8m2p wrote

Food and Oil prices are not being affected by the war in Ethiopia unlike Ukraine.....its mostly about the bottom line


SnooCookies2907 t1_itg8uig wrote

So I guess human life is more inportant is some places of the world than others.


BigHardThunderRock t1_ito8q2j wrote

It’s also hard to get information out of the region. Internet/communication has been shut off and journalists get arrested. It’s like a blackout.

It’s also seen as an internal issue. Like what’s going on Myanmar now.