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fight_your_friends t1_is5a87w wrote

>We need to take domestic abuse and violence FAR more seriously than we do.

If we did that, 40% of cops wouldn't be able to carry weapons.


walkandtalkk t1_is7kr0m wrote

I'm pretty impressed that you managed to get in a smug dig at police in a story about two police officers getting murdered trying to stop a domestic violence incident.


NotRoryWilliams t1_is5hjow wrote

Leaving aside the interesting notion that all cops carrying guns is a uniquely American practice, I’m not sure that having 40% fewer armed cops would be a problem. Replace them with social workers.


edeolivita t1_is5ns5p wrote

>Leaving aside the interesting notion that all cops carrying guns is a uniquely American practice

The US isn't the only country where all cops carry guns, do you know that? America isn't an exception.


yodamiles t1_is6w4uq wrote

This is Reddit. Significant chunk of users here have yet to leave their basement even before Covid. To them, anything that seems bad is an American only phenomenon.

I grew up in thailand and every police officer carries firearms.


Yonand331 t1_is5byed wrote

LMAO, sad it's true though


No___ImRight t1_is5j3yz wrote

It's actually not...a sociology professor went hunting for the old 40% myth and found out it's actually 28% (which is still really really bad)


Yonand331 t1_is5u9l9 wrote

It's still not a total myth, that's damn near 30.
