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M0n5tr0 t1_iu50o9s wrote

I know this particular art issue matters to people out there and I don't want to down play it but as I'm trying to survive through inflation and just pay for groceries I have to just giggle/cry at this article.

Anyone else at that point or is it just me?


JakeArvizu t1_iu5grws wrote

I mean you can observe stuff in life without it "mattering". Don't think anyone is asking for a world council on this. Just hmm interesting. Okay moving on.


Portalrules123 t1_iu7fv76 wrote

Yeah it's PROBABLY not healthy to negatively react to every pointless article that you see, but that's just me.


JakeArvizu t1_iu7vgm8 wrote

What there's probably a thousand other cherry picked article's that are about something stupid I can be pissed off about. Are you trying to tell me that's not healthy


[deleted] t1_iu5cp33 wrote

definitely been at that point for some time now