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CT_Jester t1_iumf9sa wrote

What's up with the global conservatives being such sore losers???


Garntus t1_iumkkg9 wrote

Their leaders have spent years creating distrust in the establishment and media. Bolsonaro spent the entire campaign sowing distrust for the Brazilian electoral system and creating an environment where any scenario that results in his loss would be perceived as evidence of election tampering.

It's the same as the Jan 6th coup. These people genuinely believe they've been cheated.


kradaan t1_iumj3y3 wrote

Could be the concerted effert by Russian propagandists along the the 100's of millions of dollars they are pouring into fake media. It keeps coming up in the news. Now Putin is literally saying their catch phrases in public while their chosen fake media strokes their outrage. It is diabolical and shocking that they are so simple minded that they can't see it through their mock outrage.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iumydoi wrote

I really hate this talking point. Yes, Putin/Russia is amplifying misinformation on a large scale, but they are rarely the origin of said misinformation. They see what ideas are gaining traction that are advantageous to them and signal boost those talking points.


kradaan t1_iun0muv wrote

I disagree, I think this is a concerted effort. I think Qanon was an open door and made mainstream by the Trump administration who gave it legitimacy. It's why you see reference of it in so many places. From The trucker protest in Canada to flag waving in France and Germany. They don't even see how they are being played. In the US you have everyone from Laura Ingam, Tucker Carlson and Fox news to MGT, Lauren Boebert and the hard right spewing Russian propaganda. Might as well be registered foreign agents like Larry Flynn and DeSantis's spokesperson.


Rage_Like_Nic_Cage t1_iun3b9g wrote

again, the propaganda isn’t coming from russia, they merely amplify it. Qanon is a perfect example, it washing created/started my russia, but they definitely helped spread it.


Doomsday31415 t1_iunu679 wrote

Being a dying breed, conservatives have partnered with fascists to maintain power.

The consequences of that are readily apparent.


footbamp t1_iuop2v0 wrote

Because reactionary conservative politicians tell their followers to do stuff like this straight up. It's the playbook.