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NJP220 t1_ixp4wr0 wrote

Advanced. There are multiple training levels in EMS. You often hear EMT and Paramedic used interchangeably by the media but they are 2 different license levels. Though some states have differing titles or variants, there are primarily 4 core license levels.

EMR = Emergency Medical Responder.

EMT = Emergency Medical Technician.

AEMT = Advanced EMT (also known as EMT-A).

EMT-P = Paramedic (usually just called a Paramedic or medic for short).

Each level has increasing training and abilities in the field. EMR on the low end and Paramedic on the high end.


corgi-king t1_ixp93e5 wrote

So which is the most powerful one?


NJP220 t1_ixp9bbm wrote

If by powerful you mean highest skill-set and training, then Paramedic.


corgi-king t1_ixpaabg wrote

So the lower skill one can’t do something that EMT-P do? Or they do pretty much similar things?


ACorania t1_ixpdfif wrote

Correct. Intermediate or advanced, depending on the state, can do IVs and give broader range of drugs than a basic. Paramedic can give even more drugs and do more procedures.


jackiebee66 t1_ixrwurx wrote

Oh wow! I knew EMT vs Paramedic but I had no idea there were so many. Thx for explaining!


NJP220 t1_ixryhtb wrote

No problem. There are more than that but they are largely recognized at the state level rather than nationally. Most states, though not all, follow the National Registry of EMTs (NREMT), which recognizes EMR, EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic. They create a standard that we have to test to and pass. Then we have to get licensed in our state after learning and testing for any and all state level protocol differences. An AEMT in one state may not be able to do the same things in the field as one in another state, but they generally have the same base level of training. Then some states have what they call EMT-I or Intermediate which is either between EMT and AEMT or between AEMT and Paramedic. There are even more than that out there and it gets pretty convoluted. Lol. But the 4 levels that the NREMT recognizes are basically the standard.