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sinfulsummers t1_iupphay wrote

Before 1990? Alabama is as much of a racist shithole today as it was back then. The state that rejected progress. Over and over and over again.


BigBobbert t1_iupsm1o wrote

Well, there was that time a few years where they decided NOT to elect a pedophile to Senate. I’ll give them that much.


YoureNotMom t1_iur3hip wrote

Gonna be honest, this is the exception that proves the rule. If it's the beginning of a trend, then count me happily surprised, but i very much doubt that'll happen.


edtheham t1_iupslqc wrote

This gets me. We try to improve things and get excoriated for it. We leave things alone and get excoriated again. What do you want us to do? We are trying to modernize our Constitution. What is it to you? Why do you care?

Why don't you go to the Secretary of State website and read up on what the changes are, if you actually care. Oh , never mind you might have to address your own prejudices. Don't do it.


PuellaBona t1_iupxndi wrote

Please, what have we tried to improve? Abortion is illegal, being trans is illegal, Medicare expansion was denied, we're 50th in education (let's not kid ourselves with the new rating after covid isolation), gerrymandering, we're the fattest, and we voted for trump and a football coach.

I could go on. I was born and raised here, and the only thing that's changed is the level of apathy we have for politics because the right wing majority isn't going anywhere so nothing will ever change.

This whole constitutional modernization is a bread crumb we're tossing to the gerrymandered black communities we're fucking over.


NettingStick t1_iurar25 wrote

We spent a decade in the late 90s and early 00s fighting for a new constitution. I dunno if "overthrowing the racist government" counts as trying in your book. It sure as shit does in mine.


sinfulsummers t1_iuq9jnh wrote

What improvement? That state is as backward as it's ever been. The racism is as shocking as it was 100 years ago. It's still full on Jim Crow, anti-progress which is just how they like it down there.